Historias de pacientes
Justine Ezarik – a.k.a. iJustine
From Today.com: YouTuber iJustine, 38, details struggle with life-threatening blood clot: ‘Basically bedridden’
When Justine Ezarik noticed her arm swell and turn purple, she thought she had a blood clot. She was later diagnosed with a rare clotting condition that often impacts athletes.
Blood clot survivors around the world are sharing their inspiring stories through the new #MyClotStory campaign. Click on a thumbnail to read each #MyClotStory. If you are interested in sharing a submission for #MyClotStory, complete the online form here.
Historias personales
Los coágulos de sangre afectan a millones de personas de diversas edades, orígenes étnicos y ubicaciones en todo el mundo. El Día Mundial de la Trombosis se enorgullece de compartir estas historias de fortaleza y resiliencia.
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